Sunday, 13 November 2011

Burton Hi5 at MK

Its been a couple of late nights for William this week, poor lad, he still  does struggle past 9pm.
He was at MK 's Thursday freestyle night , the park was quite simple but he got a sneaky peak at  the park set up for the Burton Hi 5 on Friday. He took a while to warm up but by the end of the evening he was  having fun  on  side hit rail and the gas pipes.

Friday night was the Burton Hi5 event, which was a very long evening as we had'nt realised the competition did'nt start till half 9. William really enjoyed the park set up, especially the big A frame shooter thingy, and he was chuft to bits that he managed to boardslide the length of the very kinked rail ( seeing is believing). It was good for him to ride with some of his local snowboarding buddies, but he does still get intimidated by having so many good riders around him at the same time.. But we are assured that he will get more used to this over time and experience..Special thanks to Jeff  Menday (Becky's Dad) who boosted the little mans confidence by complimenting him on his riding..

At least we know he enjoyed it, as he asked when the next Hi5 event  was and could he go.. But then it might be the lure of the stickers and badges that he collected..

Sunday, 6 November 2011

Saturday at MK

Will went along for an afternoon to join in with Definition's training session and generally have a play on the slope. It had been ages since he had seen Gav ,so it was really nice to catch up with him since he has had a few big events recently keeping him busy and off the slopes..
Will and Cerys were chatting a mile a minute to catch up all their news but Gav kept them busy too , practicing  on the box and on the jump doing some shift jump thing that looked abit like a BS shifty to FS 180.

Then after a great family meal at Pizza Express it was time for Park Strife for what turned out to be  a very quiet night.  For Will , it was a mainly rail night with  a big cannon jump at the bottom . Which given Will's small size he had to nail to get the speed to clear. He had a few tumbles which had us and a few fellow spectators gasping at , but like always he had a great time and was asking when he could come again.. The car ride home was interesting as Will recounted  in great detail all his tricks and crashes..