Thursday, 26 January 2012

32 Team come to Hemel's Snow Center

Some of Wills favorite riders came along to Hemel Hemstead . They were the 32
Pro rider team and they held a poster signing and meet session before going out to the slope and having a bash  with the locals at the freestyle park specially set up for them.. The 32 guys were just so lovely and friendly to everyone including young Will, who typically clammed up and barely spoke a word..The team were impressed by his Capita Microscope snowboard with the Union bindings and signed his board as well as signed poster and JP Walker very kindly agreed to have a photo with Will..

Friday, 20 January 2012

Will at Snozone in MK

Will Gilmore at Snozone MK with his new Capita Snowboard

Will's 9th Birthday!

So today is Williams 9th Birthday. His Nana and Grandad travelled 400 miles from Scotland down to see him and spend time with us for Will's birthday and then the weekend before they head home again..
He seems pleased to bits with his presents which again are mainly lego and a huge Nerf gun.. Will post some pictures of them once they are built up. Later we are having a special meal follwed by a "Chocolate cake with chocolate filling, chocolate icing and chocolate decorations" specially requested by the young man and completed by myself yesterday...

Thursday, 12 January 2012

His latest adventure was a long weekend out at Avoriaz with his Dad. They stayed at Rude Chalets so were totally looked after , had a lovely place to stay and eat & they got to play X Box every evening! Apparently it had snowed so much that the most freestyle parks were closed, so they played about in the STASH which is and awesome freestyle park made completely from wood. Some of those rails where huge ! But Will just loved it. They arrived home tired but buzzing, with Will nagging at his Dad to download the video's so we could all watch what he's been up to. Will chose the tune :)

Well the little Man had an amazing Christmas , Santa brought him all the toys he asked him for and he also had a complete Lego overload ,which kept him busy for days.. There was't much going on in the indoor slopes over the festive period although he did go to Hemel's Junior JIBJAB bash on the 23rd of December. He had a great time and came away with a few goodies including a longtee t-shirt which is just huge on him but he loves.. He made a big impression on a few people there who were raving about him and how well he rides.. " Star of the future " was said a number of times.