Saturday, 17 January 2015

Time away in Italy

Well our Will is  travelling home today , after almost 3 weeks away snowboarding. Its the longest he's been away and we are all missing him very much. Sounds like he's had a great time and he's managed to get some much needed practice on the larger kickers ,as that's  the only thing lacking here in the UK.

Its  going to be Will's 12th birthday on Tuesday and so he definitely needed to be home with his family for that, we may have another triple chocolate cake and request for his favourite meal- Peking Duck .

Will's got another 4 to 5 weeks before he's back out on the mountain, we're trying to get Will as much  mountain time as possible without compromising his school work . Back home he has got some fabulous opportunities coming up, ( will keep you posted on those ) including meeting the Red Bull F1 drivers and snowboarding with Eero Ettala at MK Snozone.