Friday, 31 July 2015

Trip to Mount Hood

So we are excitedly waiting for Will to arrive home tomorrow from Saas Fee.
He's been having a great time out there. There weather hasnt always been good enough to get up the mountain snowboarding, but he's been climbing, downhill scootering, swimming , skateboarding and just having fun.

He's stoked to have mastered his 720 spins though , in the little time they've had on the snow. Then its a quick turn around with washing and packing as Will and I are heading over to the States for Will to take part in session 6 of the High Cascade snowboard camp over on Mount Hood.
Its the first time I've been able to take Will away snowboarding as most of his trips are in school time.
I'm unsure of access to the internet though whilst we are out there so it may be a few weeks before our next update.

Sunday, 19 July 2015

Saas Fee trip

Yesterday saw Will flying off to Switzerland to spend a couple of weeks with the Park and Pipe team. He sounds like he's having a blast riding the glacier in the morning and then mucking about skateboarding or swimming in the afternoon.
Saas fee is a really lovely place to spend with a bunch of friends having fun. We certainly enjoyed it when we all went a few years ago, so hopefully Will will do so again .
Park and pipe crew on downhill scooters

Summer jumping with a frontside spin

Monday, 13 July 2015

Wednesday, 8 July 2015

No snow this week.....

as Will has an exciting week with school. Monday saw Will of to Whipsnade zoo on a science trip, and then yesterday he headed away for an overnight adventure trip with a sleeping bag and a pillow.
Thursday see Will back at school taking part in a Saudi Day, and the Friday is a trip to Kenilworth Castle for a history trip. I like this kind of learning . So no doubt the boy is going to be shattered and we've not planned anything snowboarding for the boy.

Last week Will did some filming with the very talented Max Presky and so hopefully  a new indoor edit  will be coming out soon, and then next weekend Will heads out to Saas Fee in Switzerland for two weeks training with the GB Park and Pipe crew.

So lots of exciting snowboarding things to come and plenty for Will to look forward to as the summer holidays get closer.