Monday, 7 May 2012

Training with the GB junior team

There was a two day training session down at Hemel's Snow Center on Saturday and Sunday, and this is the first time Will's been able to attend since he joined the GB team earlier this year.Ben Kinnear came down from Aberdeen to do the training bring with him Matt MaCormick and Fin Bremner. The rest of the group were much more local and they were Callum Paton,Tomski Robinson, Becky Menday, Cerys Allen and Maisie Potter. The training from Ben was brilliant and everyone came away having tried and mastered new tricks. For Will these were switch back and cab 1's & 3's and a whole heap of spins onto and off the box. After the day's training on Saturday the group headed to XS nearby to do some climbing.. It was a really fun weekend for will and a real privalige for Will to ride with some of the best freestyle riders in the country and get a chance to be trained by Ben Kinnear.


  1. I love snowboarding and I am really keen on taking some training courses but I do not know who to contact.Can you help?

    Holiday Rentals Saas Fee

    1. Well you can go along to freestyle training courses at your local indoor snow slope, or if you feel confident enough go along to the next freestyle night and have a go, there are always really nice people that will give you tips on how to do some simple freestyle tricks. Will went to Definition training camp
